Artık Athelien her şeye "hayırlısı" diyor. İş yok hala. Kısmet... Aşk yok; meşk yok. Evlilik hiiiiç yok! O olmasın da zaten. Bu konuya soran olursa değineceğim; zira kendi şahsi ve de tehlikeli görüşüm. Ben en iyisi bir süredir neler düşündüğümü dökeyim buraya.
Kendimi geliştirmek, KPSS sınavında başarılı olmak adına Aralık ayında bir dersaneye gitmeye başladım. Çalışabildiğim kadar ders çalışıyorum. Fakat üniversiteden yeni çıkmışken zor da oluyor tekrar masa başına geçip ders çalışmak. Hele başımda öyle bir bela var ki sormayın: Matematik...
Ne tuhaf bir beladır, nasıl bir kavram, bir bilimdir ki ben buna sıradan bir "bela" diyemiyor, anlatamıyorum. Çocukluğumdan beri nefret ettiğim matematik dersini; her ne kadar bu konuda henüz aşama kaydedemesem de; bir anda az da olsa sevmeye başladım. Bunun nedeni öğreten kişi (benim deyimimle "hoca") mi? Tabii ki. Ancak hocanın fiziksel hoşluğuymuş, jestleriymiş vs. si umrumda değil. Dersi anlatışıyla beğeniyorum ben hocayı. Artık bulmaca çözer gibi mateamtik sorularını çözüyorum. Zevk için sanki... Başarılı olamıyorum; yirmi soruluk bir testi çözmeye çalışırken tüm günümü harcıyorum. Olsun; ilk defa matematik çalışırken bundan keyif alıyorum.
Benim de sınıftaki herkes gibi matematikte 0 (sıfır, tabula rasa-boş levha) bilgi ile geldiğimi kabul edip sabırla, en kolay konudan başlayıp en zoruna doğru yavaş geçiş yapan; verdiği örnek ve ödev testlerin haddi hesabı olmayan matematik hocama teşekkürler. İnsanın öğrenirken en çok yararını gördüğü ders materyalleri bol örnek ve öğrenilen bilgiyi hayata geçirmek (miş; ben de bunu fakültede okurken, ve hatta bu dersanede eğitim bilimleri derslerinde öğrendim.)

Soranlara "Hala öğrenciyim" derken bundan hiç gocunmuyorum. Üniversitede, zorunlu staj dersimiz vardı. Gittiğim okulda, dersine girip gözlem yaptığım hocalardan biri bana "En iyi öğrenci, tahtanın önündeki öğrencidir." demişti; hakikaten de öyleymiş. Bir öğretmen, kendini her zaman bir öğrenci gibi hissetmeli. Çünkü, öğretmenin en büyük işlevi, bilgisini başkalarına aktarabilmesidir. Bunun için de
1) Öğretmen, bilgiye sahip olmalı,
2) Öğretmen, bilgiyi aktarma yöntem ve tekniklerine hakim olmalı.
Bunlar için de öğretmenin daima öğrenme işini yapıyor olması gerekir kanısındayım.
Dört yıl boyunca eğitim fakültesinden mezun olmak için canla başla çalışıp, öğretmenlik diploması aldığım halde KPSS engeline takılmış olmak beni her ne kadar bunaltsa da şu sıralar bir dersanede, öğrendiklerimi tekrar etmek, başkalarından öğrenmek ve onların öğretim yöntemlerine eleştirel gözle bakmak benim için çok iyi oluyor.
Evet, zaten yazılarının çoğunluğu İngilizce olan bloğumda belki de bir seneden beri ilk defa Türkçe yazı görüyorsunuz ve o da kısa oluyor. Ancak düşündüğüm, icat ettiğim, oynadığım, izlediğim, etkilendiğim, zırıl zırıl ağladığım o kadar yoğun şey var ki... Hepsini de yazmak görüntü kirliliği! Bu nedenle uzun zamandır ne yazarım, nasıl yazarım, yazmam şart mıdır diye kara kara düşündüm durdum. Biyonik Kedi ve Pelince'ye buradan çooook teşekkürler; uzun zamandır unuttuğum bloğumun varlığından beni haberdar ettikleri için. Onlar yorum göndermeseydi peeeeeeehhh... Blogmuş, yazıymış... Neeeymiiş? Bu vesilede hatırlatmada bulunan bu pek muhterem iki kişinin de neler yaptığına göz atma fırsatım oldu. Sevindim :)
NOT: Gecenin sürprizi (çünkü saat 01. 50 ve yazı ancak bitti)... Damien Rice'tan güzel bir şarkı armağan ediyorum: Amie. Bu şarkıyı linkte çıkan listede bulup üstüne tıklamanız yeterli. Elbette, listedeki diğer şarkılara da bakabilirsiniz.

En rüyası bol geceler sizlerin olsun!
8 yorum:
I have just seen your blogpage as ı was searching for title named 'Atheine'..ıt is a good surprise for me, ı am not complainant..)) I have just read your last title..please never talk about KPSS..!! )) it is more difficult than exams you handle during education at Uni. ı was not able to get enough points and also result..after KPSS,ı tried to pass KPDS on Russian and I received good result..)but without KPSS it means nothing :=(( I am still reading your titles, and I wonder how many words there are whose means I do not know or already I have forgetten..( I will be sacked tomorrow from my job If my directors see that I am saying there are so many words which I do not know..))))) your Eng.is great..I will be following your next titles..) never give up, keep your faith..dasvidanya..))
hi, gg.
I checked out your blog two days ago. I like to follow your writings too. Write soon, please.
I also wonder why you took KPSS exam. You seem you have more experience than me in these examinations. This is surprising... Did you study for your university in Turkey? Or are you a Turkish student went to Russia for education? Please share your ideas with me.
Hi Athelien..) how is it going? I hope you are well..I am curious about whether you receive my last message or not? If not,I can send again...)
Thanks. I'm very well. I guess you have written on March 21 before. It's on the top of my comment page. Did you write after March 21? If you did, no, unluckily; I didn't receive. Send it again please.
Athelien..) it is so nice to write u again..you are right,I may have more experience than you in KPSS and also It seems I will have experience in KPSS that humanity has never seen :=)) I wonder how many times more I will enter..))Your profession is so nice..you are an english teacher..it is well appraised profession and admissible..
Last time I had 82 points from KPDS-Russian, but KPSS was terrible with 64 points :=(( as you know,candidate needs to take at least 70 points :( I would like to work for government instutite where I can use Russian language..As you know while you are working at Private Sector in Turkey it is a bit hard to feel yourself secure..may be that's why you and me also want to work for government..)
I was working at textile company at the last term of my education at Kocaeli Uni.There was a showroom of company at Taksim and we were sending materials such as t-shirts,hoodies,sweaters etc. from factory and customers were coming to see to factory how things going on at this factory,such as production process,quality of work power etc. Most of them were from Russia and Ukraina..I was talking with them in Eng. but when they were talking with each other It was very interesting to me..So I started to learn it without going any course..we also did not have any russian lang.lesson at uni..Meanwhile, Last week I was on duty for my company at exhibition which is called ' BUSWORLD 2010 '..fair was at CNR Yeşilköy..fair was so crowded..a few people came to our stand in order to have more information about products from all over the world..we took so many pics,I was going to send my pics but ı do not know how to do it by this blogpage..(( when one of them said ' I am from Casablanca,Morocco!' I felt myself as ıf ı am watching western film..))
ıt is really nice for me that u r eng.teacher..hope ı have so many things to learn from you..meanwhile,my name means 'sun'( a few customers that can not say properly my name in Turkish prefer 'Sun'.)...Please correct my gramatical mistakes..ı know ı am still making so much :( In my next letter ı will tell you this fair more detailly,funny events( a few happened :)) and send u somehow pics..
hi Athelien..) how is it going? I hope you are well..are you receiving my messages? I think there is something wrong with my blog or with settings..because I have sent you a message but I think you are not receiving my messages :(
Hi, Sun.
I'm receiving your messages; but it needs my confirmation before it is published on my blog. And... I rarely click on my blogpage because I really have less time to spend with my computer. It means, there's nothing wrong with your computer or your blog.
I think your Eng. is better than mine. Don't worry, nobody would consider your grammar mistakes. If you're able to explain yourself clearly; it doesn't matter how you make a sentence. Grammar is only important in language classes. :) By the way, I'm attending to KPDS this weekend and having trouble with studying for KPSS. (I'm in a depressive mood since I got a test at course, yesterday and its result isn't good.)
You've mentioned sending the exhibition photos. Well, I don't know how you do it. But the exhibition sounds fascinating. Ask someone and do it please. Or; why don't you publish these photos on your own blog? And you can write something so that I can visit your blog, read and write comments under your texts. Give it a try! Besides, it's your blog and you can write whatever and whenever you want. I'd like to read your writings on your blog.
I'll write some new things soon and you'll see what I did a few weeks later. It was a bit thrilling for me. But it's a surprise. Surprise, surprise!!!!!
Hi Athelien :) I am well,thank you,I am just at the office and only just a few minutes has left to turn back home..Tomorrow there is no work..Urraa!! :)Meanwhile, it is so nice to write you again..I understood the situation of blog..I had thought there was something wrong with settings..
I am very curious about what surprise is :)I will be looking forward to see that..)Let me estimate..are you the one who found Ship of Nuh? :))))))) (when saying this word in eng.,it is so funny..))
I will try to put my photos into my blog,as you know I am new at blog,by the time I hope i will be able to completely solve how things going on..
Meanwhile,tomorrow as I know there is KPDS examination..I hope you will handle with that easily..I wish you success in your exam..do not worry you are gonna make it..and let me know result..)
ı will be looking forward to see your surprise..see you..'Udaçi'..!!
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