Music and lyric: Loreena McKennitt- An Ancient Muse
Now that the time has come
Soon gone is the day
There upon some distant shore
You’ll hear me say
Long as the day in the summer time
Deep as the wine dark sea
I’ll keep your heart with mine.
Till you come to me.
There like a bird I‘d fly
High through the air
Reaching for the sun’s full rays
Only to find you there
And in the night when our dreams are still
Or when the wind calls free
I’ll keep your heart with mine
Till you come to me
Now that the time has come
Soon gone is the day
There upon some distant shore
You’ll hear me say
Long as the day in the summer time
Deep as the wine dark sea
I’ll keep your heart with mine.
Till you come to me
A SPECIAL NOTE: This song reminds me Penelope, wife of Odysseus, waiting for her man on the shore, for ages. Actually, the story behind is the song of Odysseus' and Penelope's love to each other. 

Especially, the last stanza of the chorus part affects me deaply. I remember some good and bad memories of love(s) that I have. I question myself; how long will a body, a human being; or a soul, a heart wait for the lover? Yet, I realized that "she" holds "his" heart till he comes to her. So, if "he" asks her to keep it with "hers", that means "he" will be there soon... To get his heart again; or to feel his heart with "hers"... It means, there's still a hope.
However, all of my hopes usually fade so quickly and there, a cracked heart remains. I know that, I can't turn someone back unless "he" comes. Then, I let all the winds blow as they wish. Time will flow freely. And... I will keep my heart... Only mine; till "he" comes and gives his heart to me.
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